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The Archives & Research Center is open for research appointments Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. The best way to contact us with questions, to schedule a visit, or to learn more about our collections is through our online request form.

We can also be reached by email or phone:

Archivist: Jodi Devine
Digital Archivist: Sarah Hayes
Collections Manager: Anna Thompson
Director of Historic Collections: Mark Wilson

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The Trustees was founded in part so that people could develop relationships with the special places of Massachusetts. Whether you grew up next door to one of our properties or recently visited one for the first time, we believe that you are an important piece of Trustees history. We are always happy to hear from people that would like to share their documents, pictures, art, objects, or other materials related to our reservations. Please contact us if you would like more information on how you can contribute to Trustees history.

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